The BLAT CGI accepts both GET and FORM CGI usage Usage : 1) Call from Web server http://server/scripts/blat.exe/linecommand.txt http://linecommand.txt must be a single line text file, with the BLAT command line, like (without the double quotes): "- -t -server -f" 2) http://server/scripts/blat.exe Your HTTP request must contain some vars with the command line.: TO : the -t parameters of Blat CC : the -c parameters of Blat BCC : the -b parameters of Blat SENDER : the -f parameters of Blat FROM : the -i parameters of Blat ORGANISATION : the -o parameters of Blat SERVER : the -server parameters of Blat SUBJECT : the -s parameters of Blat PORT : the -port parameters of Blat HOSTNAME : the -hostname parameters of Blat TIMEOUT : the -ti parameter of Blat These Variable are Boolean (if present and set TO "1" or "Y", added the option, if not esent or set TO "N" or "0", remove the option) NOH : the -noh parameters of Blat NOH2 : the -noh2 parameters of Blat MIME : the -mime parameters of Blat UUENCODE : the -uuencode parameters of Blat BASE64 : the -base64 parameters of Blat REQUESTRECEIPT :the -r parameter of Blat NOTIFY : the -d parameter of Blat You can prefix these var name bu "Blat_" (ie using BLAT_SUBJECT instead SUBJECT) if you don't want see the variable content in the message. Blat_success and Blat_failure will contain the URL for success and failure messages. You need only copy blat.exe to your \inetpub\scripts directory (or cgi-bin) Example of HTML page using blat GET test:
Enter here your email Sender:

SMTP Server:

TODO : - improve documentation