1.9.4 2001.12.12
  - Speed up to processing of messages with mime/html/enriched attachments
  - Add quotes around 'boundary' fields
1.9.3 2001.11.06
  - Wildcards that included sub-directories caused blat to die
1.9.2 2001.8.21
  - Added "-a1" and "-a2" settings to control initial two headers
1.9.1 2001.4.25
  - Added "-charset" setting (NOT FULLY TESTED)
1.9.0 2001.4.5
  - Added "-priority" setting (Toby Korn)
1.8.9 2001.3.19
  - Minor changes. (My hard drive crashed, I lost details on what changed)
1.8.8 2001.3.9
  - Fixed multi-line reponse support with some ESMTP servers (Tim Charron)
1.8.7 2001.2.28
  - Added "-authplain" Plain Authorization (Craig Morrison <craig@2cah.com>)
  - The character '?' is now converted to quoted-printable (Fabien THIRIOT <anqh@free.fr>)
  - Changes to support Win64/IA-64 (Thierry Fevrier (Hewlett-Packard) <v-thief@microsoft.com>)
1.8.6e 2001.2.1 
  - Fixed possible crash when sending multiple files (occurred if subsequent files were smaller than earlier ones)
1.8.6d 2000.12.11
  - Bug in GetLengthConvertToQuotedPrintable, possible crash situation (Michael Walz <walz@epsitec.ch>)
  - Misc. changes (based on Lint output)
1.8.6a 2000.10.20
  - Fixed a problem reading -bf/-cf/-tf files.  Possible crash.
1.8.6 2000.10.20
  - Fixed the 'fixup()' fix.   It would only work for accented
    character fields.  :(
1.8.5j 2000.10.19
  - Fixed the 'fixup' routine, which caused problems when recipient
    name had accented characters
  - Fixed conversion of non-std characters in the subject line (no
    line breaks) "Biebricher, Peter" <pbiebric@debis.com>
1.8.5i 2000.08.23
  - Add the -log option. Change from Craig Morrison
1.8.5h 2000.08.23
  - Optimize the "-" with console input (slow in 1.8.5g)
1.8.5g 2000.08.22
  - -sf fix from Craig Morrison <craig@2cah.com>. If the file does 
       not exist the filename itself is copied
  - when '-' is used for console input, a temp file is not created
1.8.5f 2000.07.05
  - -s @subject.txt : Reads the first line of the file @subject.txt 
       for the subject line of the message. Change from Craig Morrison
  - -t johndoe<john@doe.com> Now works correctly and just sends 
       'john@doe.com' . Change from Craig Morrison <craig@2cah.com>
1.8.5e 2000.07.04
  - Add -u and -pw option for AUTH LOGIN
1.8.5d 2000.07.02
  - Supress temporary file for console input
  - fix crash with -debug option
1.8.5c 2000.05.10
  - Fixed POST for CGI feature
1.8.5b 2000.03.13
  - Fixed -body
1.8.5 2000.02.08
  - RFC compliant options added by Skough Axel IT-S <axel.skough@scb.se>
    -mailfrom <addr>   The RFC 821 MAIL From: statement
    -from <addr>       The RFC 822 From: statement
    -replyto <addr>    The RFC 822 Reply-To: statement
    -returnpath <addr> The RFC 822 Return-Path: statement
    -sender <addr>     The RFC 822 Sender: statement
  - Migrated -t to -to, -c to -cc, -b to -bcc, -s to -subject, -o to -organization
1.8.4e 2000.01.14
  - -body translates '|' into CRLF
1.8.4d 99.11.22
  - Added "-body" parameter (requires argv[1]=="-")
  - Fixed problem with missing To/CC headers
1.8.4b 99.09.22
  - buffer from 255 to 2048 chars (I forget which one)
  - -x fixed
  - -noh2 fixed (-noh or -noh2 was messing up headers)
  - single quotes in email addresses used to mean 'comment'.  Removed.
  - Replaced "|" in if statement with "||" inside of ConvertToQuotedPrintable(). 99.9.20
  - Added -enriched and -html options (Courtesy of James Greene)
  - Enhanced support for paths in -attach files (Bergamini Angelo <Angelo.Bergamini@sangiorgio.it>)
  - Added df/cf/bf command line options to support using email addresses from a file
    (Kenneth Massey <kmassey@mratings.com>)
  - Added header when mail is sent using cgi.
1.8.4 99.02.20
  - Much improved support for use within CGI scripts (by Gilles Vollant)
    (see included blatcgi.txt file)
  - Minor change to "Date:" header generation code.  Although it was Y2K
    compliant, it wasn't obvious.  This was fixed to remove the confusion.
  - Added support for customized "X-" style headers. (-x)
1.8.3 99.02.??
  - Internal development release
1.8.2d 99.01.??
  - Added -debug flag
1.8.2c 98.11.30
  - Added optional "Return-Receipt-To:" and "Disposition-Notification-To:"
  - It's now possible to run blat without an install.  You must specify
    the "-server" and "-f" parameters (at a minimum) on the command line.
1.8.2b 98.11.30
  - Removed all calls in gensock to MessageBox()
  - Fixed timeout when configured for retries.  (was using ms instead of s)
1.8.2a 98.11.20
  - "-q" option was still printing "Attached text file: attach.txt" messages
1.8.2 98.11.17 Tim Charron (tcharron@interlog.com)
   - Oops.  was still identifying itself as 1.8
   - Added terminating boundary to any messages with attachments.
   - Autodetection of file types in MIME headers (from
     Toby Korn <tkorn@snl.com>
1.8.1 98.11.15 Tim Charron (tcharron@interlog.com)
   - Fixed Multiline response treatment. (courtesy of Wolfgang
     Schwart <schwart@wmd.de>)
   - Fixed ability to use "-" filenames.  Ctrl-Z detection was broken.
   - Fixed use of "-noh"/"-noh2" option (also broken in 1.8).
Blat version 1.8     98.10.29  Tim Charron (tcharron@interlog.com)
   1.8 is a merge of 2 different source trees which started diverging
   at version 1.5.  If you're upgrading from the prior "official"
   release, then changes include:

   - Use of "-attach *.ZIP" to send multiple files
   - Use of 'profiles' to store server/userid/n_of_tries/port in the
     registry for multiple profiles.
   - Multiple retries
   - Other changes as described below labeled version 1.6-1.7.9

   If you're upgrading from 1.7.9 at
     http://www.interlog.com/~tcharron/blat.html, then changes include:
   - gwinsock.dll/gensock.dll are no longer needed
   - UUencoding of the main file is possible
   - Graceful termination of connection to smtp server
   - hostname <hst> option to select the hostname used to send the
   - Ability to specify port using "server:port" style names. (ports
     specified this way will override any specified with "-port")
Blat version 1.7.9   98.9.16
 - omission of a terminating boundary was causing some e-mail systems
   to not process the message properly. (Toby Korn tkorn@snl.com)
Blat version 1.7.8d  98.9.1
 - Added "-noh" command line option to prevent X-Mailer header from
   showing homepage of blat.  Added "-noh2" to prevent X-Mailer
   header entirely
Blat version 1.7.8c  98.8.25
 - Changed copyright limitations to prohibit use as a spam tool
Blat version 1.7.8b  98.8.11
 - Cleaned up some wild pointers that was a potential crash
   (although crashes have not been reported, better safe than sorry...)
Blat version 1.7.8   98.8.8
 - Support for non-standard character sets in the header fields (hopefully).
Blat version 1.7.7   98.8.8
 - Fixed problem with wildcards/filename parsing when compile with
Blat version 1.7.6
 - Made output cleaner when wildcards used
 - Increased limit on attachments to 64 files.
 - Message Boundary is a random string instead of a fixed string
   (allows sending 2 or more blat messages as attachements to a 3rd
   message using BLAT)

Blat version 1.7.5
 - Fixed reading from file "-", there was a phantom character appearing.
 - Added the ability to use wildcards for "-attach" and "-attacht" option
 - Added a delay of 15 seconds between retries

Blat version 1.7.4
 - Minor correction to return values in the event of server timeout

Blat version 1.7.3
Created April 22, 1998 by Tim Charron (tcharron@interlog.com)
 - Fixed "-attach"ing of largish files (but in calculation of internal
   space required).

Blat version 1.7.2
Created April 16, 1998 by Tim Charron (tcharron@interlog.com)
 - Added "-attacht" which enables attaching multiple files without base64
   encoding them.

Blat version 1.7.1
Created March 27, 1998 by Tim Charron (tcharron@interlog.com)
  - Minor command line parsing bugs fixed

Blat version 1.7
Created March 20, 1998 by Christophe Henquin (ch@inncoent.com)
  - Added command line option "-port" to override the default SMTP port.
  - Added command line option "-try" to specified how many times blat should try sending.
  - Added "profile" to quickly choose server, sender, n of tries and port.
  - Added "-profile" to edit profiles

Blat version 1.6.3
Created February 25, 1998 by Tim Charron (tcharron@interlog.com)
  - Added command line option "-attach" to allow attaching multiple
    binary files to a message.
 - "-base64" causes inclusion via 'attachment' method instead of 'inline'

Blat version 1.6.2
Created January 11, 1998 by Tim Charron (tcharron@interlog.com)
  - Added command line option "-o" to provide Organization field
    in the headers of the sent message.

Blat version 1.6.
Created October 20, 1997 by Tim Charron (tcharron@interlog.com)
  - Added support for mailing of binary files (mime base64 encoding)
  - Fixed argument parsing for '-q' and '-mime' options (these used
    to only work if they were the last argument)

Blat version 1.5 has just been released. This version has the following

 - Two bugs were corrected that made Blat generate exceptions with
   certain CC or BCC adresses.
 - Blat now generates descriptive error messages, rather than the
   infamous "gensock error 4017" type errors
 - Blat now returns an error code when the SMTP session fails
 - A new option -mime was added. This implements the possibility to
   use the MIME quoted-printable transfer encoding. The assumptions
        1: The file is a text file
        2: The charset is ISO 8859/1

The archive zip file (Intel: Blat15.zip, DEC Alpha: Blat15a.zip) can
be obtained from the usual places (although both SimTel and CICA will
take some time to move the package to the right place). To select the
ftp site near you please use the Blat WWW home page at:




Pedro Mendes & Mark Neal