1. H. B. Hackett, D.D., Ed., Dr. William Smith’s Dictionary of the Bible (Baker Book House, Grand Rapids MI, 1981) p. 637. Close 2. Watson E. Mills, Ed., Mercer Dictionary of the Bible (Mercer University Press, Macon GA, 1990), p. 224. Close 3. The Encyclopedia Americana (Americana Corporation, New York NY, 1947) pp. 506,507. Close 4. Ibid. Close 5. ibid. Close 6. Richard E. Rubenstein, When Jesus Became God (Harcourt, San Diego CA, 1999) pp. 73,74. Close
7. Francis X Weiser, Handbook of Christian Feasts and Customs (Deus Books Paulist Press, New York NY, 1963) pp.130, 131. Close
8. Encyclopedic Dictionary of Religion (Corpus Publications, Washington D.C., 1979) p. 1139. Close 9. David C. Pack, “The True Origin of Easter” (The Restored Church of God, Feb. 8, 2004). Close