1. Spiros Zodhiates, The Complete Word Study Dictionary New Testament (AMG Publishers, Chattanooga, TN, 1992), p. 1436. Close 2. There has been much scholarly discussion about the exact nature of the genitive, “of” in the phrase, “the manifestation of the spirit.” The confusion is in large part due to the fact that most theologians think the “Spirit” is God. The spirit in this verse is the gift of God, holy spirit, and the genitive is the genitive of origin. The gift of holy spirit is the source of the manifestations. Another parallel phrase occurs in 2 Corinthians 4:2, which has “the manifestation of the truth” (KJV, which has the articles accurately placed). This also is a genitive of origin. One cannot see the “truth” in the apostles’ minds, but it is there, and it is the origin of their behavior, which can be seen by everyone. The gift of holy spirit and “truth” are invisible in a person, but they produce manifestations that can be clearly seen in the senses world. Close 3. It is “because of the same spirit,” the gift of holy spirit inside him, that a person can receive revelation. The word kata (because of) has a variety of meanings. Bauer’s Greek Lexicon lists two major concepts, with more specific meanings under those, and even more specific meanings under those. For this verse, he notes “the mng. [meaning] ‘in accordance w. [with]’ can also disappear entirely, so that k. [kata] means simply because of, as a result of, on the basis of….” William Arndt and F. Wilbur Gingrich, A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature (University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1979), p. 407. Close 4. The use of “to one…to another…” has caused great confusion in the Church, and so we deal with it in great detail in Chapter 9, “To one…to another.” Close 5. The groups of the manifestations are also explained in more detail in Chapter 9, “To one…to another.” Close 6. Joseph Free, Archaeology and Bible History (Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, MI, 1982), p. 108. Close
7. In the context of this book, “you” refers to you the Christian. The manifestations of holy spirit are only utilized by people who have holy spirit. Close
8. For more on prophecy, see our book, op. cit., Prophecy. Close 9. Thayer, op. cit., Thayer’s Greek-English Lexicon, p. 380. Close 10. Knowledge is information about a situation, while wisdom is what to do about the situation. The first definition of “wisdom” in Webster’s 1828 Dictionary captures its essence: “the right use or exercise of knowledge.” Noah Webster, American Dictionary of the English Language, (Foundation for American Christian Education, San Francisco, CA, 1828, reprinted 1967), “wisdom.” Close
11. One example is Joyce Meyer, How to Hear from God (Warner Faith, USA, 2003). Joyce writes in her introduction: “We talk to our children all the time—why wouldn’t our heavenly Father talk to His children?” God does want to talk to us, and He will if we will open our spiritual ears and have faith. Close 12. For more on what biblical faith really is, see our book, Chapter 10, “Keep the Faith,” Don’t Blame God! by Mark Graeser, John Lynn, & John Schoenheit (Christian Educational Services, Indianapolis, IN 2006), pp. 133-145. Close 13. Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary (Merriam-Webster, Incorporated, Springfield, MA, 2003), p. 450. Close 14. For a short summary of some of these, see our book, The Bible: You Can Believe It by John Schoenheit (Christian Educational Services, Indianapolis, IN, 2005). Close 15. The word “working” is perhaps more properly, “energizing,” and it is plural. However, we felt that saying “energizings of miracles” was unclear. The phrase “working of miracles” is working more than one miracle and thus adequately covers the plural in the Greek. Close 16. We realize that although the presence of holy spirit gives each Christian the spiritual power to do healings and miracles, not everyone is called to walk in that kind of ministry. There is a difference between inherent spiritual ability and how that ability will actually be evidenced in the life of an individual Christian. Nevertheless, we assert that many more Christians would be doing healings and miracles if they knew they had the ability, and were confident to act on the spiritual power they have. Close 17. For more on prophecy, including what it is, how it comes to the Christian via holy spirit, that each Christian should want to prophesy, and the difference between the manifestation of prophecy and the ministry of a prophet, see our book, op. cit., Prophecy. Close 18. The Greek word translated “discerning” is plural. Nevertheless, we used “discerning” because it has the overtones of plurality. If a person is “discerning,” it is because he has exhibited discernment in a multitude of situations. Close 19. The word “spirits” in the phrase “discerning of spirits” does not refer to “attitudes.” Although that is one of the meanings of pneuma, it is not the meaning in this context. There are many very gifted people that are very sensitive and can “read” people and situations very well, but many of them are unsaved. That discernment is a natural ability, just as is native intelligence and other natural abilities. Close 20. We like the KJV because it uses the word “wrestle,” which is literally what the Greek text says. As in any wrestling match, there is an opponent that must be fought and overcome. Close 21. Arndt and Gingrich, op. cit., A Greek-English Lexicon, p. 185. Close 22. Henry Liddell and Robert Scott, A Greek-English Lexicon (Oxford University Press, NY, 1992), p. 399. Close 23. The improper addition of “gifts” to the Greek text is one reason why Christians should purchase and learn to use Bible study helps such as interlinears and lexicons. An “interlinear” is a Bible in the original Greek or Hebrew, with the English in an interlinear (between the lines) form. Looking at an interlinear version of the Greek text shows conclusively that “gifts” was added by translators to the English version. This same thing could be done for all the verses listed where “gifts” was added. Note that, although Greek and English word order are not the same, the sense of the verse can be well followed in the interlinear. Well stocked Christian bookstores have Interlinear Bibles or visit www.Christianbook.com or www.Half.com.
24. Helpful hint: Over time ball point pen ink runs through the thin India paper most Bibles are printed on and becomes visible on both the front and back of the page. Writing in a Bible with pencil lasts for years and can even be changed if necessary. Colored pencils are good for different emphases. Close