1. The Greek word here is theaomai. Thayer�s Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament defines it generally: �to behold, look upon, view attentively, contemplate� and specifically in this verse, �to see with the eyes.� E.W. Bullinger adds, in Appendix 133 of his Companion Bible: ��this has regard to the subject who gazes. Hence, it is used of gazing with a purpose; to see with desire, or regard with admiration.� Close 2. For a touching picture of Christ�s constant concern for others, please see the article on Psalm 22. Close 3. The only possible exception to this would be God�s command to exterminate the Philistines and other peoples occupying the land that he was giving to the Hebrews. This, however, turns out to be an act of love, intended for human kind�s very survival. For more on this, read The Sons of God of Genesis 6. Close 4. Not my quote. I just don�t have a clue who first said it! Close