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Reasons “Holy Spirit” is one of the names of God or the Gift of God (Endnotes)

1. These reasons are drawn from our own study of Scripture and from the work of James H. Broughton and Peter J. Southgate, The Trinity: True or False (“The Dawn” Book Supply, Nottingham, England 1995), from the work by Anthony Buzzard and Charles Hunting, The Doctrine of the Trinity; Christianity’s Self-Inflicted Wound (International Scholars Publications, New York, 1998), from Charles Morgridge’s book done in 1837, The True Believer’s Defense, from Fredric A. Farley’s book (1873) The Scripture Doctrine of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost, and from The Racovian Catechism (1605). Furthermore, we believe that Scripture is clear that Jesus is the Son of God, not God, which we discuss in our book, One God & One Lord: Reconsidering the Cornerstone of the Christian Faith. Close Close this window

2. That John 7:39 says holy spirit did not exist is explained in Chapter 6. Close Close this window

3. In the NIV, Philippians 2:1 refers to “fellowship with the Spirit.” A better translation of Philippians 2:1 is the KJV, which renders the phrase “fellowship of the Spirit [spirit],” pointing to the fellowship among believers who share a common spirit and who ought therefore be able to get along with each other. Close Close this window

4. Bullinger, op. cit., Figures of Speech, pp. 861-869. Close Close this window

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