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Pornography (Endnotes)

1. The extent of the pornography in the Roman world is not widely known for a couple of reasons. The early Christians destroyed much of it, and material that has been uncovered in archaeological work is often too lewd for general audiences. The film industry would have to rate it “XXX.” Nevertheless, it is important to realize that many Romans were exposed to this material on a regular basis. One sourcebook for study is Michael Grant’s Eros in Pompeii (Bonanza Books, New York, 1982). Close Close this window

2.The study from the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (57:2, 1989, pp. 261-70) was reported in A Return to Modesty, p. 53. Close Close this window

3.There are boundaries to what even consenting married adults should do. Rabbi Shmuley Boteach does a good job with some of these in his chapter on “Sadomasochism” in Kosher Sex. Close Close this window

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