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“Mystery” or “Sacred Secret” (Endnotes)

1. The information presented in this article is quite new to us (just over two years), and so we do have books and tapes available that do not have this information. Close Close this window

2. James Strong, The New Strong’s Expanded Dictionary of Bible Words (Thomas Nelson Publisher, Nashville, TN, 2001), p. 1247. Close Close this window

3. Howard Marshall, editor, New Bible Dictionary (Intervarsity Press, Downers Grove, IL, 1997), p. 795. Some sources use the English “Y” to translate the Greek letter upsilon. Thus some sources have musterion, while others have mysterion. Close Close this window

4. William Smith, Smith’s Dictionary of the Bible, (Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, MI, reprinted 1981), vol. 3, p. 2047. Close Close this window

5. Merrill Tenney, editor, The Zondervan Pictorial Encyclopedia of the Bible (Regency Reference Library, Grand Rapids, MI, 1976), vol. 4, p. 330. Close Close this window

6. Trent Butler, editor, Holman Bible Dictionary (Holman Bible Publishers, Nashville, TN, 1991), p. 998. Close Close this window

7. When musterion refers to “the Sacred Secret” of the Administration of Grace, we capitalize it. Close Close this window

8. Mark 4:11 and Luke 8:10 are similar. The NIV, ESV, RSV, NRSV, Young’s Literal, and some other versions have “secret” or “secrets” instead of “mysteries” in these verses. Close Close this window

9. The feminine form of the word is found in Luke 11:33, where some translations have “cellar.” It refers to a “hidden place” or crypt. The adjective is krupton, and the verb is krupto, “to hide.” Close Close this window

10. Translating musterion as “mystery” has caused many problems in the Church. For one thing, people who are convinced that the things of God are mysterious quit trying to search the Scriptures, and do not bother to pray for answers to their questions—why should they if the subject is a “mystery” and no answers are available. Also, many false and illogical doctrines have been foisted upon Christians, who are told not to try to understand them because they are “mysteries.” If you are one who has not found the Bible believable, or have considered it too mysterious to understand, you will want to read our booklet, The Bible: You Can Believe It. Close Close this window

11. That is exactly what Rotherham does in Rotherham’s Emphasized Bible. Close Close this window

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