1. Rice, When Bad Things Happen To God�s People, pages 40, 41, 45, 46. Close 2. Ibid., page 40, 41. Close 3. We believe this translation more clearly represents what actually happened than does the KJV: �God meant it for good,� or the NIV: �God intended it.� In His creative resourcefulness, God gave this incident His own meaning, and used it to achieve His purposes. Joseph was a type of Christ, and the same principle is illustrated in Acts 2:22, 23, where we see that God gave His own meaning to Christ�s death. Close 4. Rice, When Bad Things Happen to God�s People, page 41. Close 5. Martin, Suffering Man/Loving God, pages 68-69. Close 6. Rice, When Bad Things Happen to God�s People, page 23. Close
7. Ibid., page 45. Close
8. Ibid., page 45. Close