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God's Infinite Resourcefulness (Endnotes)

1. Rice, When Bad Things Happen To God�s People, pages 40, 41, 45, 46. Close Close this window

2. Ibid., page 40, 41. Close Close this window

3. We believe this translation more clearly represents what actually happened than does the KJV: �God meant it for good,� or the NIV: �God intended it.� In His creative resourcefulness, God gave this incident His own meaning, and used it to achieve His purposes. Joseph was a type of Christ, and the same principle is illustrated in Acts 2:22, 23, where we see that God gave His own meaning to Christ�s death. Close Close this window

4. Rice, When Bad Things Happen to God�s People, page 41. Close Close this window

5. Martin, Suffering Man/Loving God, pages 68-69. Close Close this window

6. Rice, When Bad Things Happen to God�s People, page 23. Close Close this window

7. Ibid., page 45. Close Close this window

8. Ibid., page 45. Close Close this window

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