1. Victor Paul Wierwille, Are the Dead Alive Now? (American Christian Press, New Knoxville, Ohio, 1971), page 73. Sira 2. Fudge, The Fire That Consumes, page 203. Sira 3. Buzzard, What Happens When We Die?, page 51. Sira 4. E.W. Bullinger, The Companion Bible (Samuel Bagster and Sons Limited, London, England, 1964), page 1,484. Sira 5. New Bible Dictionary, “Eschatology,” page 388. Sira 6. Reprinted from The Messenger (now Resurrection Magazine), April, 1888, pp. 84 and 85. Sira 7. Buzzard, op. cit., What Happens When We Die?, p. 49. Sira 8. Bullinger, Figures of Speech In The Bible, p. 861, Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, MI, Reprinted-1968, Originally Published-1898. Sira