1. As an example of this, in October of 2005 a coalition of 70,000 Australian scientists and teachers made this claim in a letter of protest about the possibility of the teaching of intelligent design in the classroom. See http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2005/10/20/1129775902661.html?from=top5 Close 2. All radiometric dating methods use a process of measuring the amount of decay from an unstable material such as Uranium into a stable material such as Lead. In other words if I have 100 Uranium atoms and 100 Lead atoms in some material and the rate of decay for a Uranium atom into a Lead atom is 1 atom per year, then the material is 100 years old assuming that there was no Lead in the material to begin with. The actual process is more complicated than this but this gives the general idea. Close 3. Natural Selection is the process by which living organisms that are more suitable to their environment have a better chance of reproducing and thus produce more offspring. Close