1. William Beausay II, The Leadership Genius of Jesus, Ancient Wisdom for Modern Business (Thomas Nelson Publishers, Nashville, TN); Laurie Beth Jones, Jesus, CEO, Using Ancient Wisdom for Visionary Leadership (Hyperion, New York); David Baron with Lynn Padwa, Moses on Management, 50 Leadership Lessons from the Greatest Manager of All Time (Simon and Schuster, Inc., New York). Close 2. Dr. John Maxwell, The Maxwell Leadership Bible, New King James Version (Thomas Nelson Publishers, Nashville, TN). Close 3. Ibid., Introduction, pg. vii. Close 4. John Maxwell, The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership (Thomas Nelson Publishers, Nashville, TN) pg. 14. Close 5. John Maxwell, The 360 Degree Leader [Stated by David Bracken] (Thomas Nelson Publishers, Nashville, TN) pg. 32. Close 6. See our Tape of the Month (Oct. 04) “Trust: The Foundation of all Godly Relationships,” by Dan Gallagher. Close
7. Robert K. Greenleaf, The Servant As Leader (Paulist Press, Ramsey, NJ) pg. 8. Close
8. John Maxwell, Developing the Leader Within You (Thomas Nelson Publishers, Nashville, TN). Close 9. John Maxwell, Running with the Giants, What Old Testament Heroes Want you to Know about Life and Leadership (Warner Books). Close