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Does archaeology support the Bible? (Endnotes)

1. Warner Keller, The Bible as History (Bantam Books, New York, 1982), pp. 163 and 164. Close Close this window

2. Ibid., p. 162. These weak walls would have postdated Joshua. Close Close this window

3. A good example is Joseph P. Free, author of Archaeology and Bible History (Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, MI, 1969), revised and updated by Howard Vos in 1992. Close Close this window

4. “Levant” is a general term for all the countries on the eastern end of the Mediterranean Sea. Close Close this window

5. David M. Rohl, Pharaohs and Kings: A Biblical Quest (Crown Publishers, Inc., New York, 1995), pp. 7 and 8. Close Close this window

6. Ibid., p. 9. Close Close this window

7. Ibid., p. 11. Close Close this window

8. Donovan A. Courville, The Exodus Problem and Its Ramifications (Challenge Books, Loma Linda, CA, 1971). It is unfortunate that this set of books is so rare. Courville was ahead of his time, and since his views were considered absurd by archaeologists who hold the high positions in the discipline, his book was not widely published or distributed. Close Close this window

9. Joseph P. Free, Archaeology and Bible History (Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, MI, 1969). Close Close this window

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