1. Bowman, back cover. Close 
2. Franks, p. 1. Close 
3. 1 Corinthians 13:9. Close
4. Eliot, p. 6. Close
5. William Channing, Unitarian Christianity and Other Essays (Liberal Arts Press, 1957), pp. 49-50. Close
6. Dr. Robert South, Sermons, vol. iii. p. 240; quoted in Wilson, p. 321. Close
7. Ellis, pp. 118-20. Close
8. Farley, pp. 24-5. Close
9. The author here is referring to the word person. Close 
10. Farley, p. 31. Close
11. Norton, pp. 169-70. Close
12. Thomas, p. 17. Close
13. Dana, pp. 84-5. Close
14. Thomas, pp. 13-14. Close