John 1:1 |
Hebrews 1:3 |
1 Corinthians 8:6 |
Ehpesians 1:17ff |
Colosians 1:12ff |
From (para) the Father, the one true God (17:3) |
God |
There is one God - out of (ek) whom are all things and we unto (eis) Him (God) |
I keep asking the God of our Lord Jesus Christ (1:17) |
Giving thanks unto the Father (v. 12); it pleased the Father (v. 19) |
To those who believed in his name he gave the right to become children of God |
God appointed him heir of all things, and we are joint heirs with him (Rom. 8:17) |
The riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints |
Made us adequate to share in the inheritance, brought us into the kingdom of His Son |
The Word was God (“what God was, the word was” NEB) |
The radiance of God's glory; the exact representation of his being |
One Lord |
The image of the invisible God |
The unique Son (monogenes) |
This day have I begotten (gennao) thee (by resurrection, verse 5 - KJV) |
The firstborn of the (new) creation; the firstborn from the dead |
God made the ages through (diaw/gen) him |
We through (diaw/gen) him and unto (eis) whom are all things |
By (enw/dative) him all things were created by (dia) him and for (eis=unto) him |
He who comes after me has surpassed me because he was before me |
He became so much superior to the angels |
Seated him at his own right hand in the heavenly realms far above all |
He is before all things; in all things he has preeminence |
Far above all rule (arches) authority (exousia) power (dunameos) dominion (kurotetos) |
Rulers (archai) authority (exousias) thrones (thronoi) dominions (kuriotetes) |
Sustaining all things by his powerful word |
He fills everything in everyway |
In him all things hold togeather |
The Word was with (pros) God |
Thy throne, O God, is forever (KJV) |
In him all fullness |