Instructions for installing the REV into “e-Sword” on Android devices.
- You must have e-Sword for Android installed on your device. The app is available for the nominal cost of $3.00 in the Google Play Store.
- If you have previously installed REV modules into e-Sword, you should uninstall them before installing new versions. Do this by opening the e-Sword menu, scroll down to “Installed,” and highlight the REV modules and click the trashcan icon in the upper right corner.

- Go to the Export section of the REV website and download the export files for the REV Bible, Commentary, and if you want, the files for the Appendices and Word Studies.

- Once the files are downloaded, open the e-Sword app, open the menu, and scroll down to the “Import” item and click it.

- From within the Import section, click the menu icon in the top left and make sure “Downloads” is selected.

- The REV files should appear. Long-press on the REV files to select them, then tap on “Open” at the top right of the screen.

- The REV should now be available within the e-Sword program.

- Once you’re done, it is a good idea to delete the REV files from your downloads folder so that the next time you go to update the REV in e-Sword there will not be multiple copies of the files.