Instructions for installing the REV into “e-Sword” on Android devices.

  1. You must have e-Sword for Android installed on your device. The app is available for the nominal cost of $3.00 in the Google Play Store.
  2. If you have previously installed REV modules into e-Sword, you should uninstall them before installing new versions. Do this by opening the e-Sword menu, scroll down to “Installed,” and highlight the REV modules and click the trashcan icon in the upper right corner.
  3. Go to the Export section of the REV website and download the export files for the REV Bible, Commentary, and if you want, the files for the Appendices and Word Studies.
  4. Once the files are downloaded, open the e-Sword app, open the menu, and scroll down to the “Import” item and click it.
  5. From within the Import section, click the menu icon in the top left and make sure “Downloads” is selected.
  6. The REV files should appear. Long-press on the REV files to select them, then tap on “Open” at the top right of the screen.
  7. The REV should now be available within the e-Sword program.
  8. Once you’re done, it is a good idea to delete the REV files from your downloads folder so that the next time you go to update the REV in e-Sword there will not be multiple copies of the files.