Instructions for installing the REV into “Accordance”

Installing the REV Bible

  1. You must have Accordance installed on your Computer. If you have a PC, you must be running version 13.1.7 or higher. The program is available for purchase at $59.95 at the Accordance website.
  2. Make sure that Accordance is running.
  3. Download the file and extract it to a place on your computer that you can locate.
  4. In the Accordance program, click "File/User files/Import Bible Text..."
  5. In the window that pops up, locate the REV.txt file that you just extracted, and click "Open."
  6. Accept the name "REV" by clicking "OK".
  7. Accordance will process the file. Then Enter "Revised English Version" as the full name of the Bible.
  8. The REV Bible will now be available within Accordance.

Installing the REV Commentary

  1. Make sure that Accordance is running.
  2. If you have previously imported the REV Commentary, you must delete it from Accordance. Locate it in the "MY STUFF/My Notes" section of the left menu panel, right-click on it and click "Remove."
  3. Download the file and extract it to a place on your computer that you can locate.
  4. In the Accordance program, click "File/User files/Import Notes Folder..."
  5. In the window that pops up, type "REV Commentary, and click "OK."
  6. In the next window that pops up, locate the Notes folder that you just extracted, and click "Open."
  7. Accordance will begin processing the file. On a Mac this takes a few minutes. On a PC it will take quite a while, possibly over 1/2 hour.
  8. The REV Commentary will now be available within Accordance.
  9. When looking at a Bible, you can click "Add Parallel," select the REV Commentary, and it will display in sync with the Bible text.