Batch Print
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REV Batch Print

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This export feature of the REV allows you to type in a list of scripture references and then download them in a single Microsoft Word document (DOCX format).

First, you can enter an optional title that will appear at the top of the document.

Then, there are a series of layout options for different ways that the Bible text can look in the downloaded document. Every scripture reference will have a heading, which can be placed before (left aligned) or after (right aligned) the Bible verse(s) from each reference you list.

You can choose either Paragraph or Versebreak mode for how you want the Bible verses displayed in the document. If you select Versebreak mode, then each verse will start on a new line. If you select Paragraph mode, then the verses will be arranged according to paragraphs.

Regarding the verse reference headings, if you select Paragraph mode, then the reference heading will be placed either before or after the group of verses in each reference (e.g., Matt 1:1-18). If you choose Versebreak mode, you can display the verse reference before or after each verse, or put a single heading at the beginning or end of the verse reference.

You can also choose whether to display verse numbers or not for the references you list.

Once you have set the options the way you like them, before you click the “Download” button, you can press [Enter] when your cursor is in the verse reference box. This will allow you to check in the box label “Reference Test” to see if you entered the verse references correctly. You can also consult the “Validation Errors” box to see if any errors were detected in the list of references you typed in.

If everything looks good, click “Download” and enjoy an export of your selected verses from the REV in a MS Word doc (DOCX) saved directly to your device.

Print References: Before:   After: the verse(s)
Style: Versebreak:   Paragraph:
    Reference for each verse? Yes:   No:
Verse numbers: include:   Exclude:
Scripture references (press [enter] to test):
Reference Test:
Validation errors:
Debug (invisible to everyone but SU):
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